Bound to Remember Book Review

Bound To Remember
By Lola James  
ASIN: B00608Q37A
Genre: Paranormal Fiction
Published: October 26, 2011

Nurse Ben Slaton is trying to escape his recent heroism and the fame of being Nurse Hero, when Ben finds himself in Toni’s ER, he can’t believe his eyes; Toni has an uncanny resemblance to an old friend of his. When they are paired up for his orientation, Toni find’s she can’t take her eyes off Ben either, he's just too irresistible.

Enter Kevin Cooper, Toni’s sexy but arrogant Ex. Kevin can’t help but be jealous when Ben arrives with eyes for Toni.

An unexpected kiss between Toni and Ben heats up but fizzles when Ben’s secret is revealed… yep he’s a vampire.

Ben insists that Toni is in danger knowing what he is and in order to keep herself safe she in list the help of her best friend, a self-proclaimed witch named of Annie. Annie is eager to help but she has a little more than magic up her sleeve…

Order your copy now from Amazon

My Review
This is book one of the Spellbound series, it was a rather quick read but I thoroughly enjoyed it.  At first I was hesitant to embrace this novel; I thought it would be just another vampire story.  But I was happily corrected of my assumption!  This is a vampire story with a twist.  What an excellent imagination Lola James has, I look forward to what book two, Unbound, has in store for us.


  1. You are right with the vampire line of thinking. I am getting so worn out with the same old storyline, book after book. If you say it has a twist, I might check it out. ;)

    Thanks for the review!

    Check out my review of Forgotten Dreams
    Melissa @Spews of My Views

  2. ill have to check this one out. i agree im getting sick of the same old same old vampire stories. i love vampires but i need some thing different then all the others and ones ive read.

    Valerie@intriguing reads


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