Coupon Binder Extravaganza and Giveaway!
SSFAM (Simple Savings For ATL Moms) Were you aware that September is National Coupon Month ? If not, it is and guess what? I want you to know about a wonderful celebration event that is going to be a great gift to one very lucky and deserving person who is either starting to coupon or already couponing. Simple Savings For ATL Moms is kicking off their Coupon Binder Extravaganza Event!!! This event will take place once a month and there is no telling what will be included in the giveaway. Each Extravaganza will have different prizes. Can you just imagine and see yourself receiving all of these great prizes!!! If you have never used coupons before, you may want to start. You would be surprised at all of the money you could save each month on groceries if you just spent 1 hour preparing for your grocery shopping. Sometimes, there are great sales that you can find and with the right coupon, you can sometimes get an item for FREE! Yes, FREE! Now, on to the gi