Thursday at Noon Book Tour


Cairo, 1962. Richard Thomson is already having a very bad day when someone leaves a corpse lying on his back steps. Its head had been lopped off like a ripe melon, left on the top step where it could look down at itself. Thomson is a burned out CIA Agent and the body belongs to Mahmoud Yussuf, a petty Cairo thief who tried to sell him photographs of a long-abandoned RAF base in the Egyptian desert. What the photos have to do with a dead Israeli Mossad agent, Nazi rocket scientists, the fanatical Muslem Brotherhood, and two missing Egyptian tank regiments could start the next Arab-Israeli War. Alone and on the run, no one believes Thomson’s answers -- not the CIA, the US Ambassador, Colonel Ali Rashid of Egyptian State Security, and most assuredly not Captain Hassan Saleh, of the Homicide Bureau of the Cairo Police.

Like Night of the Generals, this is a murder mystery wrapped inside an international crisis. Tick Toc, Tick Tock! Something is about to blow up in Thomson’s face at Noon on Thursday.

My Review

This was a great story, a little on the descriptive side.  But once you work your way past that, it becomes an excellent spy novel.  Many parts of it reminded me of the author Robert Ludlum, one of my favorite authors.  The plot was so interesting; it kept me reading to see if Thomson would be able to save anyone and if anyone would believe his seemingly farfetched story.  If they do, can they stop this tragedy before it’s too late?  This book had everything a good spy novel needs, spies, traitors, danger, mystery and intrigue.  If you like works by Robert Ludlum, you will quickly fall in love with Thursday at Noon.

Thursday at Noon will be free on Amazon August 17-19, be sure to get your copy here.


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