Prince of Wolves Book Review

Prince of Wolves (The Grey Wolves, #1)Prince of Wolves by Quinn Loftis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


Jacque Pierce was just an ordinary 17-year-old girl getting ready to start her senior year in high school in Coldspring, Texas. When a mysterious foreign exchange student from Romania moves in across the street, Jacque and her two best friends, Sally and Jen, don't realize the last two weeks of their summer are going to get a lot more interesting.

From the moment Jacque sets eyes on Fane she feels an instant connection, a pull like a moth to a flame. Little does she know that the flame she is drawn to is actually a Canis lupis, werewolf, and she just happens to be his mate; the other half of his soul.

The problem is Fane is not the only wolf in Coldspring, Texas.

Just as Fane and Jacque are getting to know each other, another wolf steps out to try and claim Jacque as his mate. Fane will now have to fight for the right to complete the mating bond, something that is his right by birth but is being denied him by a crazed Alpha. Will the love Fane has for Jacque be enough to give him the strength to defeat his enemy, will Jacque accept that she is Fane's mate and complete the bond between them?

Purchase: Amazon 

My Review:
Jacqueline Pierce and her two best friends, Jen and Sally, are preparing for their senior year of high school. Jacque had recently abruptly broken up with her boyfriend of two years, Trent. One moment he's crazy in love and the next, he says he doesn't want to see her anymore. He was the love of her life and she feels as if she will forever be heartbroken.

Then Jacque's neighbor, the Henry's have decided to have a foreign exchange student for a year. Little did they know that his stay will turn Jacque's world upside down. You see, not only is Fane Lupei a drop dead gorgeous seventeen year old from Romania, but he only has eyes for Jacque. Not only that, but Fane is next in line to be Alpha of the Romanian Canus Lupis. Yes, you read it correctly, the hottie is a werewolf!

This was a quick, action packed read. I loved the soul mate inference for werewolves, I thought it made the story that much more romantic. My favorite character was definitely Jen, the things that came out of that girl's mouth were just so off the wall funny. The closeness of Jacque and her friends was just so beautiful and realistic, I could actually picture it. I also enjoyed the way the story was written. It was so down to earth, it was like being a fly on the wall instead of reading a book. This was an awesome werewolf novel, that was also a fun read. If you like light reads or werewolves, this is a great story for you!


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