The Forgotten Pharaoh Book Review and Giveaway

Julie Gerber isn't thrilled to be pulled out of school her senior year to follow her parents halfway around the world to unearth a lost pyramid. However, when the cute British guy and the mysterious financier of their project both fight for her attention, things start to get interesting. The pharaoh known as Djedefre was cursed for the murder of his eldest brother. The work of the archaeologists brings new secrets to light, ones that prove the fallen god-king wasn't the villain history had painted him to be. Can they prove his innocence? As the team digs deeper into the mystery, members of the party vanish or end up dead. Someone is determined to keep the truth hidden at all costs, even 4,500 years later.



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My Review:
I received a free copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review.

When sneaking out and drinking finally gets Julie into trouble, she's forced to join her Archaeologist parents on their trip to Giza. What she thought would be boring months away from her friends and school turns interesting when she meets Flynn, the only boy her age at the dig site. At first she doesn't give him a second thought until he begins to speak, who would reject a semi attractive guy with a sexy British accent? That is, until she meets the tall, dark, and handsome young benefactor that hired her parents, Omar, their attraction to each other is instant. Things begin to get interesting as Julie is torn between the two boys. But her happiness is short lived when they find a dead jackal far from civilization and in their pyramid. Now the locals working on the site fear being cursed, which everyone else brushes off as silly superstition. That very night a body is found completely drained of blood. Is this the curse that has befallen them?

I love books that take you back in time. This book certainly does that and more. I am instantly taken back to ancient Exgypt as it toggles between the past and current day while they uncover the truth about Dejedfre. I loved Julie's strength and courage throughout the story; personally I'd have had a meltdown. This novel had nonstop action and a mystery that keeps you guessing. Once again Laura DeLuca has created a very imaginative and creative paranormal romance.  

About the author:

laura delucaLaura “Luna” DeLuca lives at the beautiful Jersey shore with her husband and four children. She loves writing in the young adult genre because it keeps her young at heart. In addition to writing fiction, Laura is also the editor of a popular review blog called New Age Mama. She is an active member of her local pagan community, and has been studying Wicca for close to eight years. Her current works include Destiny, Destiny Unveiled, Phantom, Morrigan, Player, and Demon.
Author Links:

Laura is giving away a Egyptian Prize Pack including oil diffuser, bookmark, scarab, ankh charm, bookmark, pin and incense. a Rafflecopter giveaway


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