Tainted Energy Book Review

A Young Adult Fantasy Novel
Lynn Vroman
published by Untold Press
For seventeen-year-old Lena, living in the trailer park with the rest of town’s throwaways isn’t exactly paradise. Dealing with a drunken father who can't keep his fists to himself doesn’t help matters either. The only good thing in her life, other than track, is the mysterious man who visits her dreams, promising to find her.
When a chair burns her arms, Lena chalks it up to stress-induced crazy. Yet as bizarre incidents escalate, even being crazy can’t explain it all away… until one day dream guy does find her.
Tarek lost Lena seventeen years ago after she was accused of treason and marked Tainted. He finally discovers her reborn on Earth into a life of suffering as punishment for her crime. However, someone else has already found her… and wants her dead. Willing to sacrifice everything, he fights to keep her safe so she can live the only life she’s ever known—even if that life doesn’t include him.
My Review

I received a free copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review.

Tainted Energy is a unique young adult, sci-fi/fantasy novel where instead of dying, your energy is recycled and you're basically reincarnated.  This is also taken a step further, as they visit the idea of soul mates, people who are automatically drawn to one another.

Lena has a a difficult childhood, living in a rusted trailer in a poor trailer park.  Her father is an abusive alcoholic, beating on her and her mother, Jacie whenever he felt like.  But Lena takes solace in Wilma, her school lunch lady.  Wilma is always there giving a listening ear and a ride to school.  Lena also has a plan, she turns eighteen soon and with the help of her boss Jake, she's procured an apartment for she and her mother.  Add her sure thing scholarship to Penn State, she has a lot to look forward to.  There's also the new boy at school that has quickly become her best friend, Zander.  

Things are looking up until the chair in the theater tries to swallow her...Has she lost her mind?  Lots of strange occurrences begin to unfold, and she continues to dream of a handsome gray eyed giant, she thinks will save her.  When she finally meets him, it triggers a chain of events that will forever change her life.

This was a really neat story about love surviving the test of time.  I thought it was amazing how Lena's character grew more courageous the angrier she became.  I can't wait for the next book in the series, the end of this one left me feeling a bit sad, but there are still many loose ends and unanswered questions.  All in all, this was a great book with never a dull moment!
Born in Pennsylvania, Lynn spent most of her childhood, especially during math class, daydreaming. The main result that came from honing her imagination skills was brilliantly failing algebra. Today, she still spends an obscene amount of time in her head, only now she writes down all the cool stuff.

With a degree in English Literature, Lynn used college as an excuse to read for four years straight. She lives in the Pocono Mountains with her husband, raising the four most incredible human beings on the planet. She writes young adult novels, both fantasy and contemporary.

Be sure to click the link below for a chance to win an Amazon gift card and E-copies of Tainted Energy!


We sat in the back row, Nig834a0-newteasers-2
"You always smell like apples and flowers." She inhaled deeper, making it hard for him to breath. "It's our orchard." The strain of control made his voice a whisper, and against his better judgment, he bent to kiss the top of her head, allowing his lips to linger in the softness of her hair. "Our orchard? Is that where we're going?" She craned her neck, and green eyes shot him straight in the heart. Mouth dry, he said, "Somewhere better."
"What about you? You immortal or something?" His eyes hardened, the smile turning a little dangerous. "No, I'm just really good at staying alive."


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