Legend of the Oceina Dragon Book Review

Darien Oceina is the youngest son of the Great Dragon Lord of the Water. For years he's loved and cherished Tai Dawson from afar. Tai is a simple, ordinary girl who doesn't even know Darien exists. On his eighteenth birthday, he chooses her as his wife. But there’s one problem: She thinks his choice means she's going to be offered as a sacrifice to the Dragon Lord, but instead, she’s forced to move to his home, far away, to give up her life and be his bride.

When she first sees Darien after the ceremony, she doesn’t expect to feel anything but hatred toward him. The two are struggling with the complications of a new marriage when their nation is attacked by a rival dragon species. Together they learn to love one another while they struggle to stay one step ahead in a game where the prize is their survival.

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My Review

I received a free copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review.  I’ve always had a thing for fantasy novels that can make your imagination soar and this one surely doesn’t disappoint.  The description of the Oceina dragon is so well written that you can see their beauty with your mind’s eye.  Even though there’s so romance, it’s pretty much on the backburner as Tai, struggles with her fate and Darien deals with his emotional issues and finds the closure he needs.  It will be exciting to see what book two of The Dragon Saga Series brings; I guess you’ll have to wait for my review of it next week!  This is definitely a 5 Star book, one I’m sure any fantasy lover will thoroughly enjoy.

About the Author

J.F. Jenkins lives in Minneapolis Minnesota with her husband, son, and two cats. She graduated from Bethel University in 2006 with a degree in Media Communication with minors in both writing and film. When she is not busy writing, she spends her free time playing games, reading, and spending time with her family.

Connect with J. F. Jenkins:


  1. This book sounds really good! I'm going to check it out :)


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