Do I Bother You At Night Anniversary Celebration

Do I Bother You at Night_Ebook Do I Bother You At Night is Celebrating It's One Year Anniversary On October 4th!

To thank all his loyal readers Troy is giving away a Caseable Kindle Folio from his new online store Tribal Style Design to one reader during the blast!  

Book Blurb: They say nothing ever happens in Kansas. Sylvester Petersen used to think so too. That is, until a mysterious new neighbor moves in next door, seemingly out of nowhere. His handful of friends – people who tried to help him cope with the sudden death of his wife – think that it might be an opportunity for him to get reacquainted with the world outside his farmhouse and to build a new relationship with his neighbor. But that idea is soon snuffed out as strange events begin to happen around him. None of them wrong. Just strange: driving in the middle of the night, the sulfur-like odor coming off of him, the fact he doesn’t talk to anyone in the area. And what about that dog? Sylvester chooses the logical explanation and ignores the peculiar behavior. But when other oddities start to happen – the kind that affects Sylvester directly – he begins to worry. His reasoning dwindles and his growing fear points to his neighbor. Where is that stray dog going? After enough time, Sylvester starts to see and hear what the people of the area have been muttering about: Unexplainable blue light, corn crops moving on their own…the slaughtered cattle entirely too close to home. And that stray dog that keeps getting fatter and fatter… At the peak of summer, and with the walls closing in, Sylvester experiences something that will take him to the brink and haunt you forever. Bathed in loss, terror and human spirit, Do I Bother You at Night? will be a story you won’t forget and one that will give you a few restless evenings of your own. Love thy neighbor.

"Do I Bother You At Night? by Troy Aaron Ratliff not only can be put on a list of one of my favorite frightening stories, it climbs near the peak of the mountain. Things happen in this story that made even a reader as jaded and hard to impress as me jump in my seat." - Alex Kimmell, author of The Key To Everything

"As we know from his short fiction, Troy Aaron Ratliff revels - to our colorful benefit - in turning the ordinary on its head, often in terrifyingly plausible ways. In this, his first novel, he stretches into the realm of the supernatural, but of course, it continues to feel just as plausible because of the vivid characters at the heart of the story. Do I Bother You at Night? will stay with you for many nights." Mike Robinson, Author of The Prince of Earth and The Green-Eyed Monster

Buy on Amazon

the uninvited guestTroy's Short Story The Uninvited Guest Will be FREE on Amazon Oct. 14th - 18th! When teenagers Harland Jacobs and Jose Rodriguez crashed a wedding, they weren’t doing anything terribly wrong. Jose only came because his nagging mother made him. Harlan only joined him to make it tolerable for his friend - and the free food, the girls and the dancing, of course. And they took full advantage too, eating, laughing at the guests behind their backs, and in the end, were planning to make complete fools of themselves. Why not? What did they have to lose? But they never dreamed this wedding would have taken such a staggeringly horrific turn. They never dreamed they would be fighting for their lives in this lodge tucked away in the woods. They never dreamed they would have heard so much screaming on a wedding day either.

Buy on Amazon

troy freeTroy's Book Little Bernie's Map Will be FREE on Amazon October 4th - 8th! The world is a funny place with funny people and some things just happen for no reason at all. Still, every family deserves a vacation, a break, even when times are tough and backs are against the wall. Daniel, a recently out-of-work family man, is returning home with his wife and child from a lovely prescheduled vacation before they must face the harsh reality back home. What they would never have expected was the surreal nightmare they would experience on their journey back. Buy on Amazon


About the author:

troySPACE OCTOPUSTroy Aaron Ratliff was born and raised in Hamilton, Ohio and self educated in writing, art, photography, and voice impersonations. When he's not reading, writing, sketching, or cooking up his next monstrosity, you can generally find him defending the galaxy from the forces of evil, feeding hippopotamuses, dining with foreign dignitaries and Zen masters, waking up to his supermodel wife, altering the space-time inter-dimensional warp or, more than likely, stuck in traffic somewhere in Southern California on his magic carpet.

Find Troy on:

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Check out the Book Trailer


Author Interview with Troy

Troy is giving away any choice from the following link of Caseable Kindle Folio from his new online store Tribal Style Design to one reader during the blast.
Fill out the form below to enter a Rafflecopter giveaway


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