Spring Into Books: Outsystem Excerpt

Major Richards needs to get out of the Sol System.

Demoted by the military and hung out to dry, the media labels her the Butcher of Toro. Despite her soiled record, Tanis still one of the best military counter-insurgency officers in the Terran Space Force.

And they need her to find the terrorists responsible for trying to destroy the GSS Intrepid, a massive interstellar colony ship in the final phases of construction at the Mars Outer Shipyards.

It’ll be her ticket out of the Sol system, but Tanis discovers she is up against more than mercenaries and assassins. Major corporations and governments have a vested interest in ensuring the Intrepid never leaves Sol, ultimately pitting Tanis against factions inside her own military.

With few friends left, Tanis will need to fight for her life to get outsystem.

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Read excerpt of Outsystem:

Joe leaned over the transport cocoon the ring medics had settled Tanis in. Even in her current state she couldn’t help but notice the concern and moisture in his eyes. “That was the worst ten minutes of my life,” Joe said. “I nearly died when I heard the shots.”

The tubes in her throat restricted her method of communication. She didn’t mind; it helped hide her emotions.

A look of anger flashed across Joe’s face. “I can’t believe that Trent is all you want to talk about right now. Look at you! You’re in pieces, and all you can talk about is your job.”

Grenwald stood across the transport cocoon and cast Joe an unreadable look before putting his hand on the commander’s shoulder.

“We’re all pretty concerned about you, Major. But don’t worry, we’ll do our jobs.” He nodded to the two of them and walked away to oversee Trent’s preparation for transport. Tanis wanted to sigh, but it hurt too much. The pain in Joe’s eyes hurt too, she knew because she felt the same thing. What was the point of getting the Intrepid outsystem if she killed herself doing it?

“It seems that pretty much everything is easier than feeling for you.” He turned away as the medics began moving her cocoon into the ambulance.

Path EbookThe colony ship Intrepid is falling into a star. 

The ship’s AI has lost control of the engines and core systems. Battling a saboteur who strives to isolate him, his last act is to wake Colonel Tanis Richards from stasis.

Tanis finds herself alone on a dying ship, unable to contact the AI. She must discover what has happened and save the Intrepid from burning up in the star’s angry red light.

Even if she is successful, the journey to the colony world of New Eden is just beginning. With decades of travel ahead, she will have to find a path in the darkness.

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About the author:

Michael Cooper has been writing since the day he closed Return of the King and wanted more. He's written a lot of fantasy that he never tried to get published, but one day decided to try his hand at science fiction, of which he has published one book (Outsystem) and is working on the sequel, A Path in the Darkness.

Michael is a software engineer at a company which builds sites and services around the open-source CMS named Drupal and enjoys the creativity involved in building web applications.

When not writing stories or code Michael is spending time with his wife and daughter, or doing carpentry--a hobby which he has been growing over the years.

His other interests include astronomy, cars and racing, blacksmithing, movies, and just about any creative work one can do.

Follow M.D. Cooper:

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