Healing in the Hurting Places Book Tour

Healing in the Hurting Places is a personal experience story and outreach for victims of childhood sexual abuse, and those who want to help them. It sensitively focuses on the healing journey—how to recognize symptoms of abuse and offer help. Victims often feel alone, they don’t know where to turn or may believe no one will understand. Author Karen Riley speaks to that place of pain and takes you on the healing journey that transformed her life.

“This is not about the tragic event, but about where to go now. I want them to know that they are not alone, and there is One who can heal their broken hearts,” writes the author.

Others who will benefit from this story of hope and healing: those affected by alcoholism, drug abuse, domestic, and other physical or verbal abuse—and those who are involved with them.

 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7). 

Many victims share similar characteristics and traits as a result of abuse, which often manifest in the same behavior patterns—Healing in the Hurting Places is a springboard to empowerment and better understanding.

Get your copy today from Amazon and Barnes & Noble 

My Review

I received a copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review.  This book was very insightful as Karen uses her life story as an example so the we can fully understand what victims of abuse are feeling and thinking, and the behavior patterns that are in fact warning signs that something has gone awry.  I have to admit, this was a difficult read for me.  Primarily because my symptoms/signs were identical to the author's.  Unlike Karen, I am still struggling, but this novel has helped me understand myself a bit better and also gives me hope that someday I will have  closure.

About the Author

Karen has been married to Bill for 30 years and they are the proud parents of three children: Lisa, Laura and Christopher. They reside in the rural town of New Egypt, New Jersey.
After 20 years in the corporate world, in seven different fields and having survived four layoffs, she started her own business. KFR Communications, LLC – a custom graphic and website design company she owns with her business partner, Andrew Gioulis –  is now in its seventh year of operations.
For most of her life, Karen measured her success by what she achieved in her own strength. Then on July 24, 2005, that world and belief system was rocked when she accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior.
Augustine said, “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.”
Karen began to understand why God blessed her with the gift of writing and speaking and how she could glorify Him with it. She began writing as a means to deal with the pain of childhood sexual abuse. Today, she heads up a ministry called ”Healing in the Hurting Places” to offer hope to those suffering in the same way. This book is part of that journey.

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This review brought to you courtesy of Charisma Media 


  1. Thank you for being part of the Healing in the Hurting Places Book Tour http://www.charismamedianetwork.com


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