Mistaken Book Tour

One year ago, two bullets from a .45 caliber pistol ripped away any hopes Dillan had of a future with her fiancĂ©, Jamie. On the anniversary of Jamie’s death, the appearance of his estranged twin brother, Trey, leaves Dillan wondering what other secrets her prefect fiancĂ© was hiding. When Trey learns of his brother’s death, Dillan takes pity on him and gives him a place to stay.

Trey’s erratic behavior and a series of suspicious phone calls lead Dillan to believe that Trey knows more about the circumstances surrounding Jamie’s death than he’s letting on. With all leads exhausted and Jamie’s murderer still on the loose, Trey is Dillan’s last hope for finding the truth.

Sometimes the truth hurts… but in Dillan’s case it could kill her.

 Get your copy today from Barnes & Noble or Amazon 

My Review

I received a copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review.  This was a great story of losing the one you love most and picking up the pieces.  Unbeknownst to Dillan, her loss was sadly a case of mistaken identity.  The story kept me utterly engrossed from beginning to end.  I felt her grief and pain as she struggled to simply live day to day.  Suddenly, in walks Trey, her former love’s brother, with more secrets than she can handle as he searches for his twin’s killer.  The plot thickens as both their lives are put in danger.

About the Author

J.A Howell is an office drone by day, and a writer by night. Her love of writing took off when she was eleven years old and decided to fill a composition notebook with stories to read to her friends. Many years (and notebooks) later, not much has changed. She still loves writing and sharing her works with others. When she isn’t writing, she can often be found trying her hand at whatever artistic pursuit strikes her fancy. J.A. Howell resides in Apopka, FL with her husband and their menagerie of animal children.


This review brought to you courtesy of Bewitching Book Tours



  1. Thank you so much Simone for taking the time to read and give Mistaken such a nice review :) So happy that you enjoyed it.

  2. Sounds like a good book thank you for the review!

  3. sounds like an interesting book

  4. this sounds good! adding to my tbr pile =]


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