Social Media Gift Basket Giveaway!

When was the last time you "tweeted" or "liked" a great post? What about hanging out on G+? Do you use apps on your smartphones to help you find deals and savings?  Have you stumbled upon a blog and shared it with your friends? Social Media connections are everywhere and is simply a way for people to create, share and exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks. Most people more time on social media sites more than any other place. When was the last time you attended a "twitter party"? Simple Savings For ATL Moms is giving away the very first Social Media Gift Basket {she is just that creative}!  I was compensated to share this wonderful giveaway. View all the winning prizes. Good luck to all who enter and don't forget to share with your friends.

A few interesting facts about Social Media:
*Global consumers spend more than six hours on social networking sites {Social Media Revolution}
*51% of people aged 25-34 use social networking in the office {Nielsen}
*As of 2012, Facebook has 78,388,000 unique mobile app visitors. Twitter reported 37,033,000 unique PC visitors. Pinterest reported 27,223,000 unique PC visitors. Google+ reported 26,201,000 unique PC visitors and 9,718,000 unique mobile app visitors {Nielsen}
*Twitter processed more than one billion tweets in the 12|2009 and averages almost 40 million tweets per day {Venturebeat}
*YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world. {Socialnomics}

Wonderful Social Media Influencer:
Steve Jobs -Father of Digital Revolution February 24, 1955 - October 5, 2011 {Cofounder, CEO of Apple} -widely recognized pioneer of the personal computer revolution and influential career in computer and consumer electronics. Oversaw the development of iMac, iTunes, iPhone and iPad and services such as Apple Retail stores, iTune store and App store. "Keep Thinking Different"

Enter the Social Media Gift Basket Giveaway below!

Social Sites to visit:

Good luck everyone and stay social!


  1. This is my 1st visit here! I saw it on Twitter. Looks like a wonderful giveaway!! Thank you for sharing.

  2. Facebook! No question about it. And for me, Pinterest would come next.

  3. I would say twitter! :) Thanks for this giveaway.

  4. Facebook, it's the only social network I use on a day to day basis. Thanks for your very generous giveaway. I hope to win because you have some great prizes there. :)

  5. My favorite is Facebook.

  6. Definitely Facebook first and Twitter a close second!


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