Lancaster House Book Tour

Are you ever really alone?

Zoe Grayson needs a change. So, she moves to another state, purchases an old, dilapidated 1920s Victorian Mansion, and sets out to restore it to its former glory. As she begins the restoration, she finds herself falling in love with the old house . . . not to mention its illustrious builder, Mr. Lancaster. Zoe becomes obsessed with the house as she discovers its secrets; hidden rooms, secret passageways . . . and a mysterious man who seems to think the house is his. Who is he? More importantly, how does he live in her home unseen and unheard?

The unexpected answers leave her reeling—and questioning everything she’s ever known. To her dismay, Zoe’s actions land her in the local psychiatric hospital, scheming for ways to return to Lancaster House . . . and the love of her life.

Get your copy today! 

My Review

I received a copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review.  This book really took me by surprise.  You know the saying “don’t  judge a book by it’s cover”?  Well this is that book!  Zoe  moves to California for a fresh start.  She uses her inheritance to purchase a rundown 1920’s Victorian mansion.  Taylor Dean describes this house so meticulously that you can see it in your mind’s eye.  Strange things begin happening in the house, the stove shuts itself off, the half wallpapered walls are suddenly complete, the list goes on and on.  Zoe refuses to believe in ghosts, and thinks her ex or someone else has found a secret passage into the house and is playing mind games on her…The truth will shock you, it certainly did me as I never expected the answer I received.  I loved the author’s writing style, jumping from past to present, it helped to know where Zoe was coming from and how she got into the predicament she was in.  I wasn’t thrilled with the way this book ended (we’re left hanging in anticipation of book 2).  But I must say, Taylor Dean is now one of my favorite authors!

About The Author

Taylor Dean lives in Texas and is the mother of four grown children. Upon finding herself with an empty nest, she began to write the stories that were always wandering around in her head, quickly finding that she had a passion for writing, specifically romance. Whether it’s paranormal, contemporary, or suspense—you’ll find all sub-genres of romance in her line-up.

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  1. Great review, Simone! Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed Lancaster House! Thanks for having me on your blog!

  2. this book sounds great! I love ghost stories like that - that are more stories than gore!

  3. We have a couple of places in Nashville that are supposed to be haunted.

  4. This sounds like a book I want to read! :)

  5. Sounds like a really interesting book. PS Raffle not loading.


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