The Fairytale Mother Book Review and Giveaway

Once upon a time two lives intertwined…

A broken heart.

When Andrew Krenshaw’s wife goes missing, terror becomes desperation as he is forced to cope with a world of uncertainty where he has suddenly become a single father, an unfortunate celebrity… a potential murderer.

A hopeful heart.

Melanie Tull has everything she ever wanted in her life… except perhaps love. Her husband is absent and demanding all at once. Her home; a shell of perfection with a cold center. Her life; busy yet vacant.

… Herein lies the tale that binds them.
Purchase: Paperback | Kindle 

My Review
I received a free copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review.  Andrew and Corrine have a great life.  They have two kids, a comfortable home and each other.  Unfortunately Andrew is a workaholic and feels that this is the only way for them to have all that they do.  All she wanted was some family time and he couldn’t give it to her.  He comes home one evening to find her car missing and the kids asleep, where did she go?

Paul and Melanie Tull have three kids.  Paul seems bent on always knowing where Melanie is.  Because he constantly checks up on her, she feels like she doesn’t live up to his standards.  Unlike Andrew, Paul is home on time every night.  He makes up fantastic bedtime stories for the kids about “Princess Elsa”, but afterwards locks himself away in the study.  He doesn’t really have a relationship with his wife because of this.  What's hidden in the study?

This book was amazing.  I was captivated from the very first page.  I loved the way each chapter was from a different point of view.  You could connect with the each character emotionally, and I really enjoyed that.  This was a great dark novel with a unique, unexpected twist.  This is a great read, one that is hard to put down and will keep you up late at night.
About the Author
After a childhood spent living in various northern states--New Jersey for half of that (South Jersey, exit 4, to be exact)--she struck out on her own. First stop, Atlanta, Georgia. After attending GA Tech to study Industrial Engineering, she settled down in a small town outside the city where she has remained ever since. She keeps house for one husband, two sons, and a thankless dog (who she adores anyway). Her loves: books, bacon, bargains... heavy metal, Christmas movies... a great pair of jeans... and anything cheesy. The four dirtiest words she knows: wash, cook, dust, iron.
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  1. Simone, thanks so much for being a part of the tour! I loved reading your thoughts! I think you summed it up so well when you said it was a "dark novel with a unique, unexpected twist." :)


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