The Harvesting Book Review and Giveaway

When mankind finally consumes itself, can any spark of humanity survive? Layla fights to keep those she loves alive when the zombie apocalypse unfolds, but she soon learns that zombies are not the only problem. With mankind silenced, those beings living on the fringe seek to reclaim power. Layla must learn who to trust, fast, if she hopes to save what is left of our kind.
 Purchase: Amazon | Smashwords

My Review
I received a free copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review.  Layla Petrovich gets a surprise call from her grandmother to return home right away.  Layla, never hearing her grandma this frantic before, drops everything to help her grandmother.  Unbeknownst to her, her grandmotherly had seen the future and needed her prepared to save the world.

This was a great novel.  To label it a Zombie Novel would be underrating this exciting action filled novel.  There are spirits, zombies, humans and celestial creatures.  Layla is a strong main female character that really knows how to use any weapon.  There’s even a budding romance in the midst of the chaos.   The flow of this novel was so amazing; it was hard to put down.  Imagine my dismay at the cliffhanger ending!  This was a unique twist on a zombie novel that I enjoyed very much!

 About the Author
Melanie Karsak, steampunk connoisseur, white elephant collector, and caffeine junkie, resides in Florida with her husband and two children. 
   Connect with Melanie:


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Great giveaway. Thank you :)

  2. Gook luck in the giveaway, everyone! Thanks for having me and for the great review!


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