Flight (I am Just Junco Book 3) Review

Lies and Luck, they’ll both get you in the end.
There’s a new twist on an old prophecy and this one brings the End of Days. Junco must make a choice – human or avian? Only one race will survive.
Lucan has secrets and the lies are flowing like a mountain river during spring thaw. But he needs Junco to cooperate just a little bit longer or it all falls apart.
The Siblings on Earth are waiting for the Seventh to return and pull their clutch together. But Earth has secrets too – secrets that change everything.
Junco has survived against impossible odds, but the cost of survival is higher than she ever imagined. Luck is about to catch up with Junco Coot and her debt must be paid.

My Review

I received a free copy of this novel for my honest review.  Book three opens with Junco back from her hiatus with Tier.  You get an even closer connection with Junco (yes, really).  This portion she learns things about Lucan and gets her crew’s new mission.  She has to return to Earth to bring back “The Siblings”.  Once again, Flight is a wonderful addition to the series, J.A. Huss brings such life to her novels.  I also love the fact the Junco’s strength and character is consistently powerful.  She’s never a weak heroine, always persevering.  It’s great to have a female character written like that for a change.  It seems there’s a possibility for a book four, I really hope there will be!  Ms. Huss, if you're reading this, please, please, please have a fourth installment :)

 About the Author

J. A. Huss never took a creative writing class in her life. Some would say it shows. Others might cut her some slack. She did however, get educated and graduated from Colorado State University with a B.S. in Equine Science. She had grand dreams of getting a Ph.D. but while she loves science, she hated academia and settled for a M.S. in Forensic Toxicology from the University of Florida.

She went on to write science curriculum for homeschoolers and now runs a successful home business that creates and offers online science unit studies. When she’s not writing science curriculum or fiction, she works as a farm inspector, traveling the Eastern Plains of Colorado in variety of environmentally friendly vehicles that never have four-wheel drive, so when she gets stuck in the mud in said vehicles, she has to beg for assistance from anyone who will help her. She is not bitter about that at all.

She’s always packing heat and she is owned by two donkeys, five dogs, more chickens and ducks than she can count, and of course, the real filthy animals, her kids. The I Am Just Junco series was born after falling in love with the ugliest part of Colorado and the Rural Republic is based on the area of the state she currently resides in, minus the mutants, of course.
 Connect with J.A. Huss

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  1. Thank you for your review Simone! :) I am writing the ending of book four this week. I'm like this close (pinching my thumb and pointer finger together) to having it all done. It goes to the editor in January and I'll have a pre-release review tour in March to get ready for the April 1st book birthday, so I'll definitely let you know when that happens and send you a copy.

    And Heather over at Supagurl Tours is putting a cover reveal together for me soon. That will be in January. (OH, and TIER gets his own novella!) After book four, he gets to have his say before the final Junco book comes out next October.

    I really appreciate all your reviews and for reading the whole series! It's been a pleasure to see the books on your blog.


  2. Thank you very much for your review of my book, Dangerous Past which you reviewed on Dec 6 on my CM Book Tour. Do you post your reviews to Amazon Kindle? If you do it'll make my Christmas merry and help potential readers know about a good read. (Kindle ASIN B005LXK4SE.)

    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

    A. F. Ebbers

    1. Yes, I have done that and also Goodreads for you also Mr. Ebbers. Merry Christmas to you and your family as well :)

  3. I like the sound of this series! I am going to give it a look for my tbr list


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