Room 3 Book Review

Torn away from everyday life and held prisoner in a tiny cabin, Kelli Foster must harden herself to survive torture and isolation. When Carla is introduced to Kelli’s small world, the experiments they are forced to endure take a dark turn. Kelli is forced to choose: Save her own life, or free her new friend? Sacrifice her dreams or sacrifice her love? 
Following a failed escape attempt, Kelli, Carla, and Kelli’s lover Samarta work together to unravel the mystery behind the shadowy group that has kidnapped them all. Their path to freedom lies through mind-bending discoveries and globe-trotting adventures, culminating in a battle between godlike beings that hold Kelli’s fate in their hands.

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My Review

I received a free copy of this novel for my honest review.  Kelli has been kidnapped, drugged and locked up in a room.  She has been imprisoned so long that she’s lost track of time.  Her roommate dies tragically before her eyes and a piece of her is lost with Gina’s death.  This is a fantastic book, it kept me guessing and wondering if Kelli’s experience is real or imagined.  Is she crazy?  I was hooked on this book because of the puzzle aspect, I love a good puzzle. The book was so well written and the ending will surprise you.  Definitely a five heart novel, one I will read more than once, something I rarely ever do.

 About the Author
Born and raised in the rural Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Jonathan wrote his first fantasy/sci-fi novel at the age of 13. After studying writing and communication at James Madison University, Jonathan turned his passion for writing into a full-time technical writing career in the DC Metro area, working for companies like Sprint/Nextel, Time Warner Cable, and Sirius XM Radio, where he had an opportunity to combine his love of music with his love of writing. He may have drifted away from fiction at times, but it was always his first love – and he always returned to it. Now living in Bethesda with his wife, two cats, and two quirky guinea pigs for which his publishing company is named, he crafts the kinds of stories that he had always hoped to read but just couldn’t quite find.
Visit Jonathan: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads


  1. This sounds like a book I could really get into...great review!

  2. this book sounds really interesting

  3. Interesting!! I entered and shared for ya, too :)


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