River's Recruit Book Tour

Jonathan McKnight lost everything in Afghanistan. His left hand, his identical twin, his self-respect and his naive belief that good always triumphs over evil. Burdened by grief and guilt, he searches for redemption on a solo backpacking trip into the remote Sawatch Mountains of Colorado and discovers a secret tribe of shifters.

River, the beautiful young shifter that rescues Jonathan has been promised to a man she despises. A man that does not desire her and only wants to use her to achieve his own political goals. Jonathan is more than a romantic rival. He’s a threat to those goals. 

The only way to save Jonathan’s life is for River to take him as her recruit.   

As Jonathan learns more about the horrors of River’s cult-like society, he becomes even more determined to escape it, until he learns that River is responsible for everything he does and will be executed if he succeeds. 

Escape is not an option—unless Jonathan can persuade River to leave with him. And if she refuses? Well, then, he’ll just have to kidnap her.
Get your copy today from Amazon

My Review 
I received a free copy of this novel for my honest review.  Jonathan loses everything he holds dear during his deployment to Afghanistan.  Not only did he almost die, but he loses his twin brother who was also in the Humvee with him.  There's a brief mistaken identity as somehow his brother's tags were found in his pocket.  He had to live with seeing the pain on his mother's face when he told her that her favorite son was gone.
Jonathan goes home to recuperate , and during a restless night he goes into the basement where he finds not only his brother's things but also some of his own.  Going through some papers he finds a mysterious picture of his father and a woman he couldn't identify.  
The story gets pretty intense after that.  After knowledge of the photo's existence, Jonathan's parents separate.  Jonathan decides to go camping alone to prove he's still independent despite losing his hand.  That's where River comes in.  His attraction to River is unreal, but there's also an awful lot of mystery surrounding Shula.  I loved this story, it flowed so nicely.  The characters are so real in the book and I loved the way the shifter society was explained.  I think this was the first Shifter novel I have ever read that the description of the Shifter ways actually seemed plausible.  It was an excellent book, worth staying up late to finish.

About the Author

Charlotte Abel was born and raised in Oklahoma where she met her soulmate, Pete. She chased him to Boulder, Colorado and finally convinced him they were meant to be together forever. They've raised three kids, two ferrets, three dogs and countless hamsters -- and are still happily married.
She's in love with "real" life and paranormal romance. When she's not reading or writing, Charlotte enjoys hiking, bicycling and primitive archery (although she's never shot at anything other than a target!)
The final book of The Channie Series, "Finding Valor," should be available by Christmas.
Connect: Website | Twitter | Goodreads

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  1. Thank you so much for participation in the blog tour for "River's Recruit" and for the awesome review.

    Congratulations to Bella and Stephanie!


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