Embarkment 2577 Book Review

Contains all three novellas from the Embarkment series; "Brand New World," "High Gravity," and, "Adam and Eve."

When Alexandra wakes up in an unknown environment, populated by a cat-like woman with a tail and a hologram of a rockstar, she knows she has to be hallucinating. Maybe she has hit her head, or finally suffered a nervous breakdown. It doesn't get any better from finding out she died and was taken into the future by the elusive Adam, whom she can't remember, or from people telling her she's on a spaceship.

The last year or so is gone from her memory, and she has no choice but to try to adapt. As days go by, her new environment becomes more and more unnerving. She finds herself helpless, and completely dependent on a man who isn't even human.
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My Review

I received a free copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review.  In Book 1, Alex awakens on a Starship, and at first she thinks she’s dreaming.  After all, her doctor looks like a cat-woman, and her assistant looks like Alex’s favorite rockstar.  It has to be a dream, right?  She has no memories of the last year or so.  When she has fully awakened, they tell her the year, 2577!  Not only that, she died trying to save Adam.  Who is Adam you ask?  Well just the coolest non-human I know!  She now has to make this Spaceship her new home.  She’s 500+ years in the future, the Earth she knew no long exists.  As a matter of fact, she could easily be called an ancient artifact!

This was a really neat series of novellas.  I thoroughly enjoyed it and was so hooked; I read the entire thing in one day.  It had so many twists.  The action and adventure was exciting and nonstop.  The character descriptions were amazing; you could actually visualize these interestingly unusual aliens.  Some parts reminded me of Star Trek, which made it even more awesome.  There’s even romance mixed in, truly unique couples you fall in love with.  This is a must read for any sci-fi fan!

About the Author

Born in Sweden in the early 1970's, Maria showed a large interest for books at an early age. Even before she was able to read or write, she made her mom staple papers together into booklets she filled with drawings of suns and planets. She proudly declared them, "The Sun Book." They were all about the sun. She also claimed, to her mother's horror, that her being on Earth was a big mistake and that her alien family would come and bring her home at any moment. This never happened, but both the interest in space and the passion for bookmaking stayed with her.

As an adult Maria's creativity got an outlet through playing bass in a number of rock bands, and through writing technical manuals and making web pages for various companies and organizations. She did write drafts for a few novels, but the storytelling muse was mostly satisfied through role playing online on Myspace. It was here, while writing stories together with people from around the globe, she stumbled onto Mike. They started talking out of character, and she moved over to Florida to him late 2008. Today the two are married and live in the Tampa Bay area with three rescue dogs.

Besides writing and playing bass, Maria enjoys driving off-road, archery, and Tameshigiri.

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