The Outer Rim Book Review

The universe is shrinking as humans spread throughout the stars. But expansion means contact with new worlds and species—and with them, new challenges. As a young boy, Matthew Wallace experienced this as the child of missionaries on the planet Altair, living a rugged existence on the undeveloped world. Undeveloped, but not uninhabited, for Altair was home to a proud race of warriors—the Ananke. 

The same warriors Matthew watched as they murdered his parents. 

Now he is the Marshal of the place he swore he’d never return to, his hatred for the Ananke only tempered by his desperation to treat his wife’s terrible illness. For located on Altair is a clinic performing medical miracles, curing men and women of terminal diseases that even the most advanced technologies can’t touch. And yet, nothing is without its price, and as Matthew learns more about the world where he’s now charged with keeping the peace, he slowly realizes he’s going to have to decide what is more important: 

The life of his wife…or the lives of an entire species. 

A sci-fi thriller that calls to mind the grand masters of the genre, The Outer Rims explores the morality of doing whatever is necessary and the question of whether humanity and sentience are one in the same.
Purchase: Amazon 

My Review 
I received a free copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review.  Matthew Wallace is a missionary child.  He saw his parents brutally murdered by an Ananke warrior.  After being raised by Frontier Marshals, Matthew himself grows up to become a Marshal as well.  His wife is terminally ill with cancer.  The only place that can cure her is a clinic on Altair, the home of the Ananke.  Now Matthew must face his past and create peace and order among the humans and Ananke warriors. 

This is a great Kindle Serial.  A Kindle Serial is a novel that comes in episodes.  You pay one price and as new episodes come out they are added to the end of your book.  Matthew is a great main character with wonderful morals.  It has to be hard to be fair to the people that killed his parents, but he does his best.  I can’t wait to see what happens when he finds out the truth about the medical clinic.  I’ve only been through episodes one and two; there are some interesting things that come to light that really surprised me.  I could not put this book down!  I’m looking forward to reading the rest of the serial; I can’t wait to see what comes next.  This is an excellently written Sci-Fi novel filled with suspense.

About the Author
Born and raised in L.A., it didn't take much to convince my wife and I to leave the smog, traffic and dead bolts of Southern California and head for a new life in The Big Sky Country -- Montana.
We were a little concerned when we first arrived in Billings and saw a pickup with a rifle in the back window and a bumper sticker that read ...
Keep Montana Beautiful
Shoot an Out-of-Stater

Fortunately we haven't had to use our finely honed bullet-dodging skills. Instead we found Montana to be filled with great people and awesome scenery.
Montana has been and continues to be a great adventure for us. God has blessed us in many ways -- six beautiful children and many wonderful friends. It's also a great place to be a writer.
But I don't recommend it for anyone else. Stay where you are in your concrete jungles. Suck in that air that you can see before you breathe it. Buy deadbolts for your doors. Maybe even pick up a guard dog.
Remember, if you come up here, I know a guy in Billings ...
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I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  1. I have never heard of a Kindle serial, what a fab idea. Sounds like a great read.


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