Literary Addicts Wednesday Meme

The theme of this week is If you were able to get 5 author autographs who would they be and why? 

I know it’s a tough choice, like picking between your children, but try.

Join our group HERE to find out next week’s theme! 

This was really hard to choose, I’ve been reading novels since I was 7, so there’s tons of favorites for me!  

 My top five would Totally be:

1.      Olivia Hardin - I just finished her Bend Bite Shift trilogy about a month ago.  I fell in love with her characters and writing style!

2.   Ted Dekker He’s a Christian horror/suspense writer, I’ve read almost all of his work and it’s always good vs. evil without being preachy.

3.   J. F. Jenkins She writes clean fantasy novels.  Sometimes after an intense read, I pick up one of her novels to reset myself.

4.   Ann Canadeo She writes Cozy Mysteries, they’re light reads, great for a rainy day.

5.   Dean Koontz I’ve been a fan since he started writing and have read almost all of his books!  His books can be creepy, I like creepy.

Which authors would you like the autographs of?
Visit Literary Addicts to see other favorites!


  1. I have read 1 book of Ted Dekker and enjoyed it as well.

  2. Thats a great list! I have no idea who i would get...i have to think on it lol

  3. Very interesting question. I guess I'm not an avid reader as far as authors......I'll have to look at my books.

  4. I have never thought of what authors I would want to get autographs from. I dont really read books from certain authors. I just kind of read whatever I think will interest me


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