Thorns of Glass Book Review

Sam Jude was a typical teen growing up in he 1980's. He loved his little family; his mom, Cheryl and kid brother, James.

But when Cheryl brings her new boyfriend, Ray home his whole life is turned upside down. Ray is abusive, but more than that. He has secrets. Sam knows he has to find out what they are-they could be the key to saving his family from Ray's grip.

Sam comes close to revealing Ray's dark past, but everything changes for him when he wakes up dead. Now he is lost, and his family doesn't know what happened. Stuck in his house with another ghost, and watching his mom slowly deteriorate with grief, he must find a way to help them from the other side of the glass.

Purchase: Amazon | Smashwords 
My Review

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.    Sam Jude is your average teenager, he loves his mom and little brother to death.  Their happiness is the only thing that matters to him besides his art.  Then in walks Ray, Cheryl’s new boyfriend, she’s crazy in love but Sam sees something off about him.  He keeps quiet, not wanting to ruin his mother’s happiness…and then it’s too late.  He’s DEAD!

This was an awesome novel!  Seen from the point of view of a ghost, this story exemplifies the powers of love, strength, courage, and redemption.  I absolutely loved this book, it has characters you can easily fall in love with.  I thought the focus on Sam’s artistic abilities was brilliant, you can imagine what a great emotional outlet that was for him.  Cheryl was a woman we can sympathize with, she wanted to be loved so badly that she overlooked all of the warning signs.  This was definitely a five star novel!

About the Author

Kelly Samarah is a mother, a writer, and an artist. She enojoy reading and music and cooking. She has two pretty great kids, and is loving life.

Connect with Kelly:


  1. This sounds like it is a very good book.

  2. this sounds like a really neat book and would keep my interest


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