Why Can't I Be You Book Review

WHY CAN’T I BE YOU takes its name from a 1987 hit song from English rock band The Cure.  All her life, Jenny Shaw toed the line, striving to be the perfect colleague, girlfriend, and daughter – a path that has led her to an unhappy (though successful) career, a failed relationship, and all-but-severed family ties.  On her way to the airport for her first business trip, she is unceremoniously dumped by the man she thought she would one day marry.  In her haze of shock and confusion, she responds to the wrong name when Myra Aberly, organizer of Seattle ’s Mt. Si class of 1999’s thirteenth high-school reunion, shouts “Jessie!” across the hotel lobby. 

In an instant, Jenny Shaw becomes Jessie Morgan, a woman to whom she bears an uncanny resemblance. She is immediately embraced by Jessie’s warm circle of friends – and gains a possible love interest.  But when Jenny becomes more and more curious about Jessie’s history, she uncovers a trail of secrets, pain and deceit that inspires her to uncover the truth that will heal her own painful past.
Purchase: Penguin | B & N | Indie Bound | Amazon 

My Review

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.  Jenny Shaw’s life seems to be falling apart.  She’s away at her first business trip, lost in her thoughts when someone shouts Jessie, but she hears Jenny.  Instead of correcting the person, she decides to become her.  Jenny’s life was more about pleasing others than doing what’s right for her.  This was a chance at freedom for her.  Not only that, but she gains Jessie’s tight knit group of friends, something she’s never had. 

This was a great story I think most of us can relate to.  Life just seems to wear you down and you wish you could be someone else or have a reset button.  When Jenny gets to know Jessie’s friends, there’s an instant connection.  There was an emotional complexity to the story, moments you just wished you could tell Jenny it’ll be okay.  My favorite character was Myra; she loved Jessie/Jenny, and treated her like time hadn’t passed at all.  This was a fun, humorous read with lots of character.  If you like Chick Lit, or just want a fun book that has you drawn in from the very beginning, then this is the book for you. 
About the Author

Allie Larkin is the internationally bestselling author of the novel Stay, and the upcoming novel Why Can’t I Be You (2013).  She lives with her husband, Jeremy, their two German Shepherds, Argo and Stella, and a three-legged cat.

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  1. I'm not a big chick lit fan, but sometimes it's nice for a change. And I just might be able to relate to the main character.


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